
About Jacob Ehrenreich

Jacob Ehrenreich was in prison. With the Canadian troops approaching, he and nine other prisoners were shot dead on 6 April 1945 in the real estate Oxerhof in Diepenveen.
H. Hamburger and J.C. Regtien, Joodse oorlogsmonumenten in de provincie Overijssel, alsmede algemene oorlogsmonumenten waarop joodse namen voorkomen. Profiel (Bedum 2002) 25

Jacob Ehrenreich had a shop where he sold items from Overijssel and metalwork. He also worked as an estate agent and surveyor. In his free time he was a member of the board of the Deventer football club 'Go Ahead'.
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A memorial in Diepenveen commemorates the Jewish victims of this town. More information on this memorial can be found (in Dutch) on the website of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei.

This person is mentioned in a CABR document of the Dutch Nationaal Archief. The CABR contains detailed information concerning this person’s arrest, inv. nr CABR 77016 + 76993