Head of Muijs and his family

Place of birth unknown, date unknown – Place of death unknown, date unknown


Muijs and his family

Elisabeth Muijs-Staal was at the Hollandsche Schouwburg with her daughter Maria and her son Willem Arnold. Her sister and brother-in-law tried to arrange for Elisabeth and her children to be released and contacted Puttkammer, who agreed to buy their freedom in return for jewelry, gold and silver worth at least 15,000 guilders for each person (i.e. 45,000 guilders). Unfortunately the stamps for the…

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Hoofd van dit gezin Muijs is Salomon Muijs. Heeft de oorlog overleefd. Geb. 22-12-1899 en overleden 16-10-1958. Is op 13-06-1946 hertrouwd met Carolina Johanna Trompetter geb. 25-06-1919 en overleden 4-5-1978.

afz. Willem Muijs (zoon van Carolina en Salomon)

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