
Stijntje Rozendaal-Lusse

Arrestatie van Stijntje in Ridderkerk

During a research in the archives about Ridderkerk in the Second World War, I unexpectedly discovered that Stijntje was arrested here.

Mid July 1942, Stijntje went to a butcher in Bolnes, a neigbourhood of Ridderkerk, in order to buy meat. In the shop was another customer, talking with the butcher: it was a locally known member of the NSB. He remarks that Stijntje was jewish, having no yellow jewish star (Jood) on her clothes and she should have no permission to be in this butcher's shop.

The NSB-man leaves the shop, most likely to alarm the police. The butcher urged Stijntje to fly, direction IJsselmonde and not to Ridderkerk. Because then, she would meet no doubt the alarmed police. Unfortunately, the latter has happened. She was arrested by the police of Ridderkerk and brought to the policestation for interrogation. Later that afternoon, she has to go. accompagnied by the police to the police or SD in Rotterdam.

The butcher saw at 16.00 hours the bus passing. "And seeing me, Stijntje has sent me a small farewell, without noticed by her guard".