Bijdragen aan Egon Troplowitz

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Herdenk Egon Troplowitz

Egon Troplowitz

Keulen, – Auschwitz,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 19 jaar

Beroep: Leerling-bakker


Over Egon Troplowitz

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Egon Troplowitz

Egon came to the Netherlands on January 5th, 1939, with a Kindertransport. He stayed in the Dommelhuis in Eindhoven, and in Huis ten Vijver in Scheveningen. In May 1940 he went to Amsterdam, and moved in with a family.
Egon was learning to be a baker.
His parents were Ros Meyer, born in 1884 in Köln, and Max, born in 1876 in Sandowitz. Both parents perished in the ghetto in Lodz. Max was an offic…

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