Bijdragen aan Erna Elyasewitsch

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Herdenk Erna Elyasewitsch

Erna Elyasewitsch

Keulen, – Sobibor,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 15 jaar


Over Erna Elyasewitsch

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Erna, Ruth and Rosa Elyasewitsch

Erna came to the Netherlands on November 27th, 1939 according to the woningkaart of the house on the Niuwe Kerkstraat. Ruth and Rosa came to the Netherlands earlier: on January 7th, 1939. Their mother, Lea Grunberg, born on 14.04.1904 in Chenziny came to Amsterdam on 21.04.1939. Rosa and Ruth stayed in Soesterberg and in the Burgerweeshuis in Amsterdam before moving in with their mother in October…

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