Moses Scheuer

Popelsdorf, – sinzenichz,

Reached the age of 74 years



Waarom woonde Jakob niet samen met zijn vrouw Helene Daniel en kinderen op hetzelfde adres .

Op de verschrikkelijke dagen en nachten van de 9 en 10 November, 1938,  in Duitsland en Oostenrijk tot aan de grenzen  van  Czechoslovakia , dit gebied maakte nu deel uit van Azi Duitsland. The Nazi’s organiseerde een series van Progrom tegen de Joodse bevolking in Duitsland en in de recente aangesloten gebieden. Deze gebeurtenis stond later bekend als Kristalnacht, de nacht van gebroken glas omda…

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Moses Scheuer Familie: Wie Overleefde de Oorlog

De familie bestond aan het begin van de 2de Wereld Oorlog uit 20 personen ( volwassenen en kinderen).

Waarvan  8 personen de oorlog niet overleefde, zij kwamen om in de Concentratiekampen, Auschwitz, Birkenau,  Dachau, Sobibors, en Sachenhausen. 

De zusters Ruth en Ilse Scheuer waren de enige overlevenden uit de Concentratiekampen die terugkeerden naar Nederland.

Twee personen emigreerden voor de …

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Het gezin van Jacob Scheuer en Helene Scheuer Daniel en de andere Daniel familie leden en de deportatie uit Westerbork

Ilse en Ruth zijn de enige overlevende van het gezin (Jacob en Helene Scheuer). Zij zijn beide ook de enige 2 overlevende van de familie Daniel.

Westerbork was in oktober, 1939 opgezet om Joodse vluchtelingen en diegenen die illegaal Nederland binnen waren gekomen onderdak aan te bieden. Toen de Duisters Nederland binnen vielen op 10 mei 1940 waren er 750 Joodse vluchtelingen in het kamp. De Duits…

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De Scheuer Familie

Moses Scheuer (de Grootvader)                                                                                    Werd geboren op 8 oktober, 1852 in Popelsdorf, Duitsland                                        Overleden op 24 April, 1926 in Sinzenich.                                                                            Trouwde met Regina Walach (de Grootmoeder)                                …

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Jakob Scheuer

Jakob Scheuer                                                                                                                

Geboren op oktober 14, 1887 in Sinzenich, Duistland. Hij trouwde Helene Daniel (geboren 6 November 1898) in Flamersheim, Duitsland in 1921. Jakob en Helene en hun kinderen werden vanuit kamp Westerbork gedeporteerd naar Theresienstadt en later naar Auschwitz II Birkenau. Zi…

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Ernst Scheuer

Ernst Scheuer

Geboren op 5 augustus, 1894 in Flamersheim, Duitsland                                                          Overleden op 16 april, 1945 in Schwartzheide (Senftenberg) een sub kamp van Sachsenhausen 

Zijn ouders waren: Jacob Scheuder en Helene Daniel                                                                Zijn zusters waren: Isle Scheuer en Ruth Scheuer

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Klara Scheuer

Klara Scheuer                                                                                                     

Geboren op 9 oktober, 1879 in Sinzenich, Duitsland. Trouwde met Alex Daniel (geboren op 29 juli, 1876) in Drove, Duitsland.

Haar ouders waren: Moses Scheuer en Regina Walach


*Frieda Daniel, geboren op 19 maart, 1910, Drove, Duitsland. Trouwde Morris Erman from Geroldstein, Du…

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Ruth Scheuer-Siegler

Ruth Scheuer                                                                                                                     

Geboren op 22 april in Sinzenich, Duitsland. Trouwde met  Walter Siegler (geboren op 8 januari, 1922 in Geroldstein, Duitsland) op 20 februari, 1949 St. Joseph, MO, U.S.A. 

Ruth en haar familie werden gedeporteerd van Westerbork naar Theresienstadt en later naar Auschwi…

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Clemi (Clementime) Scheuer

Clemi (Clementine) Scheuer                                                                                                   Geboren op 26 juni 1924, plaats onbekend, Duitsland

Zij was de dochter van Julius Scheuer en Erna Max

Clemi werd voor 1942 gedeporteerd, wij hebben verders geen gegevens wat er met haar is gebeurd. Haar ouders werden op 14 juli 1942 gedeporteerd naar Bonn en op 20 juli1942 w…

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Bertha Scheuer

Bertha Sheuer                                                                                                                

Geboren op 10 augustus, 1890 in Sinzenich, Duitsland                                                         

Getrouwd met Sigmund Kaufmann fron Kommern, Duitsland  

Haar ouders waren: Moses Scheuer en Regina Scheuer-Walach.                                                 

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Julius Scheuer

Julius Scheuer                                                                                                                                                Geboren in 1889 in Sinzenich, Duitsland                                                                                                        Trouwde met Erna Marx from Bettingen, Duitsland

Zijn oudes waren: Moses Scheuer en Regina Scheuer-W…

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Ilse Scheuer-Nathan

Ilse Scheuer                                                                                                                                                     Geboren op 20 February, 1924 in Sinzenich, Duitsland                                                                                         Getrouwd met Walter Max Nathan (geboren op 8 January, 1921 in Neustad, Duistland) op 2 January, 19…

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Ruth Scheuer Siegler en Ilse Scheuer Nathan

Gezegend en vervloekt met de bekwaamheid om de dingen die gebeuren in je leven te herinneren. De deuren die je opent naar wat er in het verleden is gebeurd, speciaal de herinneringen aan diegene die er niet meer zijn is heel zwaar. Er kwamen veel herinneringen boven, wanneer ik deze deuren openmaakte maar op hetzelfde moment leerde ik dingen uit mijn verleden die ik niet had begrepen in het verled…

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Ilse Scheuer- Nathan

Ilse Scheuer 

Born on Februari 20, 1924 in Sinzenichz, Germany

Married to Walter Max Nathan ( Born January 8, 1921 in Neustad, Germany) On January 2, 1949 in Birmingham, Alabama, USA.

Ilse, her parents, brother and sister Ruth were deported from Camp Westerbork to Theresienstadt and later to Auswitchz II Birkenau. a year later they were deported again to Stuffhof, Polen and to Praust, Polen. Then …

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Ruth Scheuer-Siegler

Ruth Scheuer 

She was born on April 22, 1927, in Sinzenichz, Germany. Married Walter Siegler (Born on January 8, 1922, in Geroldstein, Germany) on February 20, 1949, St Joseph, MO, U.S.A. Ruth passed away on September 3, 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama

Ruth and her family were deported from Camp Westerbork to Theresienstadt and later to Auschwitz II (Birkenau). Then they were deported again to Stuttho…

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Ernst Scheuer

Ernst Scheuer 

Was Born on February 23, 1923, in Sinzenichz, Germany. He died on April 16 in Swartzheide (Senftenberg) a subcamp of Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, Germany.

His parents were Jakob Scheuer and Helen Scheuer-Daniel 

His sisters are Ilse Scheuer and Ruth Scheuer 

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What was the reason that Jakob Scheuer did not live at the same address with his wife Helen and the children

On the terrible ninth and tenth of November, 1938,  throughout Germany and Austria and the borders of Czechoslovak-Slovakia -which were now under German dominions-, the Nazis unleashed a series of pogroms against the Jewish population in Germany and the recently incorporated territories. This event became called Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass) because of the shattered glass that littered…

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Jakob Scheuer

Jakob Scheuer  

Born on October 14, 1887 in Sinzenichz, Germany. He married Helene Daniel (Born on November 6, 1898 in Flamersheim, Germany) in 1921. Jakob and Helene and their children were deported from Westerbork to Theresienstadt and later to Auschwitz II ( Birkenau) . They both died on July 7, 1944 in Concentration Camp Auschwitz II (Birkenau).

His parents where: Moses Scheuer and Regina Sche…

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The Jakob Scheuer family, the Daniel family and there deportation from Westerbork

Ilse and Ruth were the only survivors of the household of Jakob and Helene Scheuer.

Westerbork was established in 1939 to house Jewish refugees who had entered The Netherlands illegally to provide them shelter. When the Germans invaded Holland on May 10, 1940 there were about 750 Jewish refugees housed In Westerbork. The German occupiers decided to house all Jewish refugees in Kamp Westerbork. Unt…

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The Scheuer Family

Moses Scheuer 

He was Born on October 8, 1852 in Poppelsdorf, Germany   And died on April 14, 1926 in Sinzenichz, Germany.        

Married Regina Walach, (Born September 2,1848) from Schifbahn, Germany.  She died on February 7, 1927 in Sinzenichz, Germany. Her grand daughter Ruth Scheuer Siegler was born 2 months after Regina died and was named after her.

Moses and Regina had four children, Klara,…

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Reading of the names from Camp Westerbork in memory of the 102,000 victims

Auschwitz commemoration in Westerbork: names of 102,000 victims are read aloud

The ceremony is to commemorate the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp

In the Camp Westerbork Remembrance Center in the province of Drenthe, eight hundred volunteers have been busy reading the names of 102,000 people continuously since last Wedn…

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Ruth Scheuer Siegler: Remembering the past and the present.

There is not one day that goes by that I do not remember things from my past. I often wonder why it was I who survived. it must have been Gods’s wil, and I never lost my faith. will never forget, but one has to forgive and look for the good in what life has to offer. To this day I still say my sh’ma prayer before I go to bed. I will never forget, but one has to forgive and look for the good in wha…

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Moses Scheuer

Moses Scheuer 

Moses Scheuer was born on October 8, 1852, in Popplesdorf, Germany. He died on April 24, 1926, in Sinzenichz, Germany.

He married Rigma Walach (Born September 1848) from Schiffbahn, Germany. She died on February 7, 1927, in Sinzenichz, Germany.

Moses and Regina had four children,  Klara, Jakob, Julius and Bertha.

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Arrangements to emigrate from Holland for America

The family stayed in Bilthoven with their grandmother and her other children. They all had left Germany legally and were not classified as refugees. There eagerly anticipated emigration. Which was delayed for several nerve-wracking days because Jakob Scheuer’s papers were not in order. On September 1, 1939, when World War II broke out, the Dutch borders were closed for emigration to England. Even …

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Julius Scheuer

Julius Scheuer 

He was born in 1889; Sinzenichz, Germany. Married Erna Max from Bettingen, Germany.


*Clemi (Clementine) Scheuer Born on June 26, 1924

On July 14, 1942, Julius and Erna were transported to Bonn, Germany. On July 20, 1942, they were transported on the 6th transport and taken to Minsk, Soviet Union. Clemi had been deported sometime earlier, her fate is unknown.

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The Scheuer family trunk with family momento’s

Enrst Daniel was the son of Klara Scheuer and Alex Daniel.

Ernst Daniel was sent to Buchenwald shortly after Kristallnacht. He escaped and tried twice to get over the border to Holland. Was ultimately successful but was confined as a refugee in Reuven in the south of Holland with Jakob Scheuer. He was able to emigrate to the U.S.A. in 1941. He was bringing with him the Scheuer family trunk of poss…

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The family of Jacob Scheuer and Helene Scheuer Daniel and the other Daniel family members being deported from Camp Westerbork

Westerbork was established in October 1939 by the Dutch government to house Jewish refugees who had entered the country illegally. When the German invaded the Netherlands on May 10, 1940, there were 750 refuges in the Camp. The Germans in 194o decided to move all refugees from other camps to Westerbork, after the fall of the Netherlands. Camp Westerbork led a “double life”. While most inmates stay…

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Events after Kristalnacht

After Kristallnacht, Gerda Kaufmann, concerned about her father Sigmund, was driven to the Zulpich jail by Felix Hartoch and his son, Heinz. Gerda wanted to bring her father his prayer book and tefillin. AS they drove home, they were stopped by the Nazi's. Felix took an axe and threatened the Nazi's that if they would come close to Gerda, he would kill them. A few days later, Felix and Heinz Harto…

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