
Vertrek van Roza Pribludni-Barmat van Westerbork naar Auschwitz

in 'Steal a pencil for me' by Jaap Polak & Ina Soep (Lion, 2000)

Door: aaldrik

Jaap Polak schrijft op 8-2-1944 dat zijn schoonmoeder Rosa Pribludni-Barmat op transport moet.

'It is realy a miserable situation with my mother-in-law, because as I wrote yesterday, there was absolutely nothing to be done. She forfeited her rights to Theresienstadt, despite the fact that she had her "Palestine Certificate" added to ours in her bag. She was not granted any change in orders. She was very strong, and so were Manja and her sister. I must tell you very frankly that it was as bad for me as when other loved ones of mine went.  You know that I loves my mother-in-law as a mother, and thus had the same feelings as when I had to say goodbye to my parents' (p.84)

'When my mother-in-law came, I was able to accompany her to the cattle car, where I found a small space for her. This is a short version of something that I could write many pages about (p. 85).