Bijdragen aan Max van Praagh

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Herdenk Max van Praagh

Max van Praagh

Den Haag, – Midden-Europa,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 24 jaar



Gezin Wolf van Praagh

Clara Eva van Praagh-van den Berg was de vrouw van Wolf van Praagh. Zij trouwden op 9 augustus 1916 te Den Haag.
Hun zoon Max werd geboren op 10 maart 1920 in Den Haag.
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Van dit huishouden is ook een JOKOS-dossier (nummer 17195) aanwezig op het Gemeentearchief van Amsterdam. Voor inzage is toestemming nodig van de stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk. Ui…

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Max at his hiding place.

Max was the younger brother of Jannie, my mother. She survived the war and immigrated to Israel in 1948. In Israel, her name was Miriam Bezek. She remembered him as her only and beloved brother. She had in her Albums many pictures of him when they were children.

In 1942 he went into hiding in Delft above the greengrocer. When that hiding place was uncovered, he managed to escape and found a hiding…

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The miracle of Max’s’ menorah, by Miriam Bezek van Praagh, sister of Max who survived the war.

My story is about a small menorah, and those who listen carefully will surely discover that miracles happened not only during the Maccabees' time.

It was in Holland, we lit candles - my father in his menorah and my brother in his smaller menorah. Of course, we also told about the Maccabees and the history, of one of the first summits with the Maccabees. How do the few conquer the many? Why? What m…

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The story about the green onyx ring

Names mentioned in the story:

Jonnie - Marianne (Jonnie) Van Praagh – Van Der Eijk (1923 -2019)
Daughter of Solomon (Sallie) Anthonie van Praagh (1884-1961)
Max - Max van Praagh 1920-1944).

In 2010 I visited Jonnie at her house in The Hague. There, Jonnie told me the heroic stories of her parents and her family who, during the war, found a hiding place for many members of the Van Praagh family. Th…

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"Memories of a greengrocer"

Pijnacker 24 July 1978 

With Henk and Carrie De Wit at their home 

Written by Janny (Marianne Betsy van Praagh/ Miriam Bezek) (1917-2015)

With related stories at the end of the document by Marianne (Jonnie) Van Praagh-van Der Eijk (1923 -2019)

and list of names of the people in this story.

"Memories of a Greengrocer" 

That is how Henk wanted me to write the interview. Uncle Sallie came to Henk– li…

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Sallie Antonie van Praagh contact with sisters and brothers

The 3 brothers and 2 sisters lived close to each other in Rijswijk before the war, within a radius of 300 meters. The Van Praagh family often had contact with each other in this way.

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