
Changes to your stories

Do you want to add new information to a story you have previously written? This is easy to do.

First of all, you log in with your email address and password. To do this, go to the homepage and click on the profile head for Log in/sign up at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Then go directly to the personal page of the person about whom you want to write.  Go to the story you want to change. There you have the option to see and edit the story. For this, click on the red button ‘read more’ at the bottom of the page. You will now see the text, with at the top right-hand corner a red button with the word edit and a little pencil. If you click this, you can edit your story. Finally, re-read the new text. You can still change things. If you are happy with it, click the red button ‘save’ at the bottom right-hand corner.

You can also edit your stories via My account. There you will see what your latest contributions are. Scroll all the way down, at the bottom you will see, in red letters, See all contributions on your profile page. If you click on this, you will see everything you have added. You now move your mouse to the contribution you want to edit. A red button with a little pencil and the word edit will automatically appear.

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