
About Samuel Landau

Samuel Landau, also known as Salo, was a prominent chess player. In 1936 he became the national champion. He stayed the indisputable number two of the Netherlands after Max Euwe. Samuel Landau was a member of the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Schaak Vereniging (NRSV).
Short after the war the book Partij verloren... Gedenkboek ter herinnering aan de schakers in Nederland, die tijdens de bezetting heengingen (Amsterdam 1947) opgesteld door L.G. Eggink en W.A.T. Schelfhout, was published, in charge of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Schakersbond. The book contains a comprehensive biography of Samuel Landau.
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On 17 July 1946 the chess association Salo Landau was established in Axel, to honour this chess player. This association does exist up to this day.
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