
About Gerald Lakmaker

In September 1941 Gerald Lakmaker was enrolled in Grade 4 of the commercial school (day school) in The Hague.
Data on Jewish students at schools in The Hague. The records of the Joods Lyceum in The Hague contain Lists of students at schools in The Hague, including a list of students at the Joods Lyceum. These records are kept at the municipal archive in The Hague.

Recollections of a former neighbour: ‘When the persecution of the Jews began, Gerald moved to the first storey, directly above number 222. His aunt officially resided there, but in fact she lived downstairs from that point on. An alarm consisting of an air hose and a whistle was installed through the ceiling. The idea was that the Germans would probably first check the ground floor if they came for them, leaving enough time to warn Gerald so that he could escape. It did not work out that way. A friend of Gerald’s went to see the Lakmaker family in early 1943. The door was opened by the Germans, who immediately took him into custody. The men who conducted the raid had gone directly to the first storey, giving the other family members time to flee. Gerald’s little sister Fieke was left behind in the neighbour’s garden, but ended up in the clutches of the Germans almost immediately. Gerald’s friend was released after the Germans had determined that he had not harboured the Lakmaker family in his home.’
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