
About Hans van Witsen

The last address of Hans van Witsen was the Jewish psychiatric institution Apeldoornse Bos, where he was working. He was engaged to Annie Preger , who was in the Apeldoornse Bos as a student nurse. The engagement was announced in Het Joodsche Weekblad on 2 October 1942.
Addition of a visitor of the website.

Hans van Witsen and Annie Preger were married at Westerbork transit camp on 28 January 1943. He was a nurse and a son of David van Witsen and Sara van de Hoop. She was a nurse and a daughter of headmaster Levie Preger and of Sara Swaan.
Record of marriage certificates of the Westerbork municipality, currently at the archives of Gemeente Midden-Drenthe in Beilen
Former Lager Westerbork. Documents regarding intended marriages which were not performed; archives of Gemeente Westerbork, currently at the archives of Gemeente Midden-Drenthe in Beilen