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Herdenk Jozef Cohen

Jozef Cohen

Groningen, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 27 years

Occupation: Pianist



About Jozef Cohen

Jozef Cohen was a concert pianist. In july 1942 he was forced to work at one of the Jewish labour camps: 'Het Wijde Gat', near Staphorst. He managed to escape. Friends of his parents offered him a place in Amsterdam for going into hiding. Jozef Cohen was carrying a false personal identification card and went into the streets without the required Jewish star on his cloths. At 2 December 1942 he was…

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aanhouding Jozef Cohen

Op woensdag, 2 december 1942, te 14.00 uur, werd Jozef Cohen aangehouden door de agent Stenvert van Bureau Joodsche Zaken van de gemeentepolitie Amsterdam op verdenking van het niet dragen van een Jodenster en het bezitten van vervalste identiteitspapieren.

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Agent Stenvert bleek een berucht NSB-er. Hiervan werd melding gemaakt in …

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Herman Cohen and his family

These persons are listed as residing at the same address. The source does not provide information about how they were related to one another.

We have been unable to determine whether one or more members of this family survived the war. While their names do not appear on the lists of survivors, we have not been able to trace them in In Memoriam either. They are therefore labeled as 'surviving' an…

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Address & residents
