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Herdenk Bernard Gersons

Bernard Gersons

Nijmegen, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 22 years


About Bernard Gersons

The Nijmegen police commissioner requested that Bernard Gersons, residing at 69 Sint Annastraat in Nijmegen, be located, detained and brought to trial. He was suspected of having changed his place of residence without the required authorization. This description referred to Jews who had gone into hiding.
Algemeen Politieblad, nr 7, 18 February 1943, 178, notice 509

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Josephine Gersons-Gersons and her family

Adolf Abraham Gersons was a son of Levie Gersons, a textile waste merchant, and Leentje de Jonge. He was married to Josephine Gersons.
M. Wolff, De nakomelingen van Wolff ben Eleazar en Moshe ben Gompertz Halevi, 1695-1995 (Arnhem, 2001) 79-80

These persons are listed as residing at the same address. The source does not provide information about how they were related to one another.

In addition,…

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Bernard dook niet onder

De hoofdcommissaris van Nijmegen, Van Dijk, zette geregeld de namen in de Opsporingsberichten in het Algemeen Politieblad van personen, die in werkelijkheid al lang waren opgepakt en gedeporteerd. Zo ook die van Bernard Gersons. Bernard was net als zijn vader Adolf na een oproep daartoe in de zomer van 1942 naar Werkkamp Wittebrink in Hummelo gegaan. Het kamp werd in de vroege ochtend van 3 oktobe…

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Address & residents

Address in June 1941

Sint Annastraat 69, Nijmegen

St. Annastraat 69, Nijmegen

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Other family members

No other family known (yet)