
About one of the so-called "Kosel-camps: Seibersdorf

From "Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog", volume 8, by Dr. L. de Jong.

Part of the text on page 223 from volume 8 of Dr. L. de Jong: conditions in the Seibersdorf forced labor camp, located in the south of Poland near the Czech border:

Just as in Bobrek, a new camp had to be built in Seibersdorf. "During the day," according to a member of the Kosel group, "we had to work on the railroad tracks and in the evening on the construction of the camp. There was hardly any water. The people '(from Westerbork about three hundred and thirty)' died like rats .... The population of Seibersdorf was very good for us by the way. The dead were buried by our own boys and when we walked to the cemetery, was strewn all the way with bread and cheese. " "The railroad officials," said one second, "carried revolvers; there were some good ones among them, but the most were bandits. If the boys aren't happy enough they were kicked to death or beaten to death. "

DOWNLOAD the entire page 223 in PDF on your own computer from “Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog" volume 8 by Dr. L. de Jong, about the so-called “Kosel / Kozel camps”, by clicking on this link: about the so-called "Kosel camps” (only Dutch language).

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