
About Amalie Blumenthal-Ebstein

Amalie (Mali) Blumenthal née Ebstein, the wife of the mathematician Otto Blumenthal, lived in Aachen from 1908 to 1939. Then, together with her husband, she emigrated to the Netherlands where she lived in Delft and Utrecht before she got interned in the Vught concentration camp (22 April 1943) and Westerbork (10 May 1943).
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Amalie Blumenthal-Ebstein died on 21 May 1943 in Westerbork transit camp and she was cremated on the same day. The urn with her ashes was placed on the Jewish cemetry in Diemen on field U, row 5, grave nr. 27.
Register van joden die in het kamp Westerbork zijn gecremeerd, 1943-1944; archief van de gemeente Westerbork, opgenomen in het archief van de gemeente Midden-Drenthe te Beilen, inv. n 3789

Lijst van in de concentratiekampen Westerbork en Buchenwald overleden Joodsche Personen die op Nederlandsche begraafplaatsen ter aarde werden besteld; NIOD, archief Westerbork, port. 1, map 1