
About Sophia Adriana Juliette de Vries-de Boer

Sophie Adriana Juliette de Boer was a daughter of Esther de Boer-van Rijk. By 1894 she was already performing with the Nederlandsche Toneelvereeniging. After completing the Toneelschool in 1901, she stayed with this company until 1907. Afterwards she stopped acting due to family responsibilities until 1923. She then acted with Het Nieuwe Toneel (1923-1924), Hollandsch Toneel (1924-1925), Heijermans Ensemble (1925-1926, 1927-1929), Joodsch Kleinkunst Ensemble (1941-1942).
Sophie Adriana Juliette de Boer performed as Sophie de Boer and later as Sophie de Vries-de Boer van Rijk.