
About Sara Cato Meijer


Sara (Selma) Cato Meyer was active in various social organizations. She was treasurer of the Housing Department for Spanish Children in the Netherlands and she was a member of the International Women’s Union for Peace and Freedom. She was also a member of the SDAP. In May 1940 she managed to escape from Zeeland to France. She came back to work in the resistance. In October 1940 she was arrested and transferred to Berlin. Here she died in the Berlin-Moabit prison.
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The last stay of Sara Cato Meyer was at the Polizeigefängnis in Berlin. By order of the Gestapo she was transferred on 16 January 1941 to the Jüdische Krankenhaus der Gemeinde in Berlin (Iranische Strasse 2). She was admissioned because of peritonitis. After surgery fatal complications occurred as a result of double pneumonia. Sara Cato Meyer died in hospital on 11 February 1941 at 23:00 p.m.
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See for additional information about Selma Meijer the website over Theo Hespers.

See for Sara Cato Meyer also: E. van Blankenstein, Dr. M. van Blankenstein : een Nederlands dagbladdiplomaat 1880-1964 (Den Haag 1999) 241.

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