
About Maurits van Berg

In 1939 Maurits van Berg adviced his daughter to leave the Netherlands. She took his advice, emigrated and survived the war.

Untill his arrest in 1942, Maurits van Berg kept a diary. In it he wrote about the persecution of the Jews in The Netherlands, how it isolated and cornered them. Often, Maurits van Berg thanks the non-Jewish Dutchmen for their moral support. The last entries show a great depression of spirit of Maurits van Berg. Maurits van Berg and his wife were deported from Westerbork in the summer of 1942.

After the war a neighbour who had found the diary after the arrest of Maurits van Berg, gave it to his daughter. In 1995 it was published as Oorlogsdocumenten by C.A. Admiraal. In 2005 the complete diary was published in Kleio nr. 3 April/May 2005.
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In the spring of 2008 an article on Maurits van Berg will be published in issue 20 of the series 25 Dagen van Amsterdam (Waanders, Zwolle).