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Herdenk Marianne Bucky-Cohn

Marianne Bucky-Cohn

Schwerin, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 76 years



About Marianne Bucky-Cohn

This person lived alone or no information about family members is known or traceable.

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Marianne Bucky-Cohn

Marianne Bucky Cohn was the mother of Franziska Levy- Bucky from Altenburg . Sally her husband died in 1940 in Amsterdam . With her ​​sister Selma , she started a department store in Altenburg in 1890 .

On March 6, 1943 , they arrived in Westerbork and from there to Sobibor, where she was killed on March 26 , 1943. She was with Rosa Levy- Bluhm . She was married to the eldest brother of Albert , …

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)