
Ilse Scheuer- Nathan

The daughter of Jakob Scheuer and Helene Daniel

Ilse Scheuer 

Ilse Scheuer 

Born on Februari 20, 1924 in Sinzenichz, Germany

Married to Walter Max Nathan ( Born January 8, 1921 in Neustad, Germany) On January 2, 1949 in Birmingham, Alabama, USA.

Ilse, her parents, brother and sister Ruth were deported from Camp Westerbork to Theresienstadt and later to Auswitchz II Birkenau. a year later they were deported again to Stuffhof, Polen and to Praust, Polen. Then in 1945 the survivors of the concentration camps were send on a dead march to the the West.

Ilse and her sister Ruth survived the Concentrations Camps and emigrated after the War to America.

Ilse Scheuer-Nathan and Ruth Sheuer-Siegler are both living in Birmingham, Alabama, USA