Bijdragen aan Hermann Zinszajn

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Herdenk Hermann Zinszajn

Hermann Zinszajn

Bochum, – Auschwitz,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 21 jaar



Hermann Zinszajn (Zinszayn)

Hermann came to the Netherlands in January 8, 1939. First he lives in The Hague, at Obrechtstraat 113, from February 6, 1939 he was in the camp in Reuver, on July 3, 1939 he went to Eindhoven where he lived in the Dommelhuis. On October 13 he moved to camp Westerbork, but on July 27 1942 he was moved to the Apeldoornsche Bosch.
His mothers name was Margor Rosen.

Information from HC Westerbork: Her…

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