
Door: Jeanine

One of the prisoners of KZ Hailfingen/Tailfingen, a subcamp of Natzweiler. (among 25 from The Netherlands) was Isaac de Rooij.

He was transported to Auschwitz on 28.8.1944 Auschwitznumber of Isaac de Rooij  (193 116 ) , on 28.10.1944 to Stutthof (near Danzig) and then in November 1944 to Hailfingen (nr 40 552). We don´t know if he in February 1945 was braught to Dautmergen and from there on a death march. The Nederlandse Oorloggravenstichting told us in 2007 that he survived the holocaust. His name is written on the memorials of KZ Gedenkstätte Hailfngen/Tailfingen.



In 1930 he s moved from Rotterdam to Maastricht. His profession was Musician.