
Sigmund Tobias


Sigmund came to the Netherlands on January 11th, 1939. First he stayed in Nijmegen, then in Wijk aan Zee and in the Burgerweeshuis in Amsterdam. He lived with the Bolle family since June 1939.
His father was traveler. There were plans to emigrate to the US. Sigmund probably had the Polish nationality.
According to his "persoonskaart" his mother's name was Fanny Steingut, born on August 4th, 1904 in Czamiwer, and his father's name was Max, born on august 30th, 1898 in Dukla.
Last address in Germany: Berlin, Schönhauserallee 169 (February 1941)
Source: National Archives, 2.04.58, inv 130 and others

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