
About Henriette Suzanna Fruitman and her husband Izak Slap.

Henriette Suzanna Fruitman was the  youngest of the three daughters of Jacob Fruitman and Flora Brandon. She was born in Amsterdam on 20 September 1914 and lived at home with her parents at Vrolikstraat 144 2nd floor and she was a dressmaker by profession. She had two other sisters, Jeannette and Hendrika, who both survived the Holocaust with their spouses.

On 17 July 1942 she married Izak Slap, who was born on 23 March 1913 as a son of Aäron Slap and Sara Kesnig. Izak was a diamond worker but was later employed as shop assistant in a store. He lived with his parents at Zandstraat 46 in Amsterdam but on 13 April 1927 the Slap family moved to Blasiusstraat 123a 2nd floor in Amsterdam-East and on 6 February 1940 to Blasiusstraat 93 2nd stock.

Izak was born into a family with five children. His eldest brother Saul survived the Holocaust and passed away in 1970. A sister Marianne, who was born in 1910 died however already after 7 days. Two other sisters, Jansje from 1911 and Rachel from 1908 were murdered in the Shoah. His father Aäron passed in the Israelitic Psychatric Hosspital “het Apeldoornsche Bosch” in Apeldoorn in 1942 but also his mother Sara Kesnig was murdered in the Shoah.

Even after his wedding in July 1942, Izak Slap remained registered at the address Blasiusstraat 93 2nd floor. Nevertheless, both were together deported from Westerbork to Sobibor on 6 July 1943 and upon arrival there immediately murdered in the gas chambers.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Aäron Slap, archive card of Izak Slap, Amsterdam residence card of Blasiusstraat 123a II and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registratration cards of Henriette Suzanna Slap-Fruitman and Izak Slap.

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