
criminal complaint

By: Alexander

Anzeige Samuel Hoepelman

Jewish affairs


accused Jew: Samuel Hoepelman, born in Amsterdam, June 28, 1896 resident Valckenierstraat 35-I in Amsterdam.

Subject: This Jew is a dangerous homosexual and, according to the report of detective J. Van Opijnen, has served as a moral police officer in the praesidium and has repeatedly re-naturalized him with Aryan boys.
He still visits public institutions to seduce Aryan boys to fornication.
He should therefore be regarded as a national pest and is permanently removed from society.

Witness: J. van Opijnen, police officer of the customs police, presidium

Hoepelman is made available on August 26, 1942, the commander of the Sipo and SD, branch, Amsterdam.

The police commissioner