
About Wolf Morpurgo and his family.

Wolf Morpurgo was one of the nine children of Eliëzer Morpurgo (1853-1914) and Judith Sons (1851-1934). His parents were both born in Amsterdam and passed away there and interred in the Portuguese Israelitic Cemetery Beth Haim.

The family were Wolf into was born, consisted further of Aron (22-10-1875), Ester (15-7-1877), Alida (20-5-1881), Ribca (29-3-1883), again an Aäron (6-7-1885), Mozes (25-5-1889), Immanuel (22-4-1891) and Salomon (2-11-1893).   

Aron, Ribca, Mozes Immanuel and Salomon died already in childhood. Of Esther (Amsterdam 15 July 1877) and Alida (Amsterdam 20 May 1881) is nothing further known. Of Aäron, who was born in 1885 is known that he and his family were killed in the Shoah.

Wolf Morpurgo worked as docker in the harbour of Amsterdam. He married 11 May 1904 Ricka Stern who was born in Düren (Germany), a daughter of the tinsmith Meijer Stern and Bertha Sternefeld. As an unmarried mother she has given birth to a daughter on 30 November 1898 in Hamburg, Rosa Stern, who survived the Holocaust.

Wolf and Ricka together had another five children, namely Eliazer in 1904, Maurits in 1906, Meijer in 1909, Judith in 1911 and Bertha in 1914. However, a few months after his birth, Maurits died already on 11 December 1906. Their daughter Bertha, her husband Abraham Aronius and their son Andries survived the Holocaust. Their little daughter Ricka however, who was born 31 January 1939, was killed in Sobibor on 5 March 1943. Wolf's son Meijer Morpugo, who was married to Ida de Frétes from Malang (Dutch East Indies), and their three children, survived the Holocaust. Wolf’s son Eliazer and daughter Judith however were killed in the Shoah.

Wolf Morpurgo got widowed in 1926, when his wife Ricka Stern passed away on 7 August. His son Eliazer married in 1934 and his daughter Judith in 1933; they no longer lived at home with their father. After Ricka’s death, Wolf lived at several addresses among them Rapenburg, Tugelaweg, Lange Houtstraat, Wagenaarstraat, Zwanenburgwal and the Nieuwe Hoogstraat 12 3rd floor, which became also his last known address.

On 14 January 1943, Wolf Morpurgo was carried off to Westerbork, where he had to stay one week in barrack 68. On 23 January he was deported to Auschwitz. In that same transport were also his sister-in-law Schoontje Morpurgo-Sealtiel and his niece Judith Morpurgo, who on arrival there immediately were killed in the gas chambers. Also Wolf Morpurgo was immediately killed in Auschwitz on arrival there on 26 January 1943.

Sources among others: City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration cards of Wolf Morpurgo and Meijer Stern, archive cards of Wolf Morpurgo, Ricka Stern, Eliazer Morpurgo, Judith Morpurgo, Meijer Morpurgo and Bertha Morpurgo and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Wolf Morpurgo.

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