
About Simon Wagenhuizen and his family.

Simon Wagenhuizen was born 12 April 1881 in London as fifth of the eight children of Jacob Wagenhuizen and Rebecca Witmond. His other siblings were Rachel (1874), Morris (1876), David (1877), Barend or Barnett (1879) and Bella (1882), who were born in London and Eva (1886) and Bertha (1888) in Amsterdam. His sibs Barend and Bella died already before the war but  the others have been killed during the Holocaust.

Simon Wagenhuizen, a cigar maker by trade, married 2 May 1907 in Amsterdam Clara Jacobs, a daughter of Salomon Jacobs and Eva van Praag. They had one daughter in 1908: Eva, who married a non-Jewish man and has survived the war.

After their marriage, Simon and Clara lived in Amsterdam at different addresses but went to Hilversum in 1913. On 22 December 1922 they returned to Amsterdam and per 1 December 1934 the family was registered at the address Vrolikstraat 77 1st floor.

On 30 January 1943, Simon Wagenhuizen and his wife Clara Jacobs were taken to Westerbork where they had to stay in barrack 69. On 9 February both were put on transport to Auschwitz where Simon and Clara on arrival there on 12 February 1943 immediately were killed.

Their daughter Eva lived since August 1934 already not anymore at her parental home; she was married to Louis Dirk Cornelis Schijffelen from Den Bosch. Eva Wagenhuizen however had been registered inWesterbork on 5 June 1943 and had to stay in barrack 63. Notes on her registration card from the Jewish Council read: married to L.D.C. Schijffelen, address Camperstraat 10 in Amsterdam. On arrival in Westerbork she has delivered  three papers regarding ancestry. On 24 June papers has been procured and she was allowed to stay in the camp during the examinations. On 21 July 1943 she was dismissed from Westerbork.

Sources: City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card and archive card of Simon Wagenhuizen, archve card of Clara Jacobs and of Eva Wagenhuizen; residence card of Vrolikstraat 77/Wibautstraat 41 Iand the file cabinet of the Jewish Council registrationcards of Simon Wagenhuizen, Clara Wagenhuizen-Jacobsand Eva Schijffelen-Wagenhuizen.

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