
About Rachel de Vries-Wagenhuizen.

Rachel Wagenhuizen, born 1874 in London, was a daughter of Jacob Wagenhuizen and Rebecca Witmond. She married in Amsterdam on 6 November 1895 Mozes de Vries, a son of Isaak de Vries and Maria Koster. The couple had two daughters: Maria in 1896 and Rebecca in 1898.

After their marriage, Rebecca and Mozes lived at Lange Houtstraat 31 in Amsterdam, but after their daughter Maria was born in February 1896, they moved September 1896 to Uilenburgerstraat 159.  There, in January 1898, their daughter Rebecca was  born. The family then moved in May 1899 to Zwanenburgwal 15. After several other removals, to Zwanenburgwal 90, Iepenweg 45 and Ruyschstraat 104 (living in at son-in-law Philip Metzelaar) they ended up in January 1931 at Waterlooplein 95, where Mozes de Vries passed away 23 Juni 1931. The next day he was interred in the Jewish Cemetery in Muiderberg.

In 1932 the widowed Rachel de Vries-Wagenhuizen and her children moved to Ruyschstraat 104 and after another four removals they came at the address Tilanusstraat 37, where meanwhile also Philip Metzelaar, his wife Maria de Vries and daughter Rachel Metzelaar lived.

Rachel de Vries-Wagenhuizen was deported to Westerbork 23 February 1943. There she stayed at barrack 55. From Westerbork she was deported on 11 January 1944 with the first transport to concentration camp Bergen Belsen. There she lost her life on 1 March 1944.

Sources among others: City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Rachel Wagenhuizen, family registeration card of Mozes de Vries; website, grave Mozes de Vries; website and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Rachel Wagenhuizen.

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