
About Anna Theeboom

Anna Theeboom was a daughter of Philip Theeboom and Catharina Voorzanger. She married Eduard Noach – a dealer in rags and metals – in Amsterdam on 13 September 1933, a son of Salomon Abraham Noach and Sara Berg. Afther their marriage, the couple moved to Zutphen where their three children were born: Sara, Philip and Eddy Catharina. Toghether, separated from their parents, they were killed in Auschwitz on 11 November 1944. Anna Theeboom was killed in Sobibor on 2 April 1943 and her husband Eduard Noach lost his life “already” on 31 October 1941 in Mauthausen.

Anna self was born into a family with eight children, of who two of her sisters have survived the Holocaust. However, her sisters Lea, Debora and Rachel, as well her brothers Izaak and Aron, have been killed during the Shoah.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Philip Theeboom and website www.wiewaswie.