
About Dagobert Stibbe

Dagobert Stibbe was a son of Meijer Stibbe and Charlotte Bargeboer.
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Dagobert Stibbe was a student at the Technische Hogeschool Delft. He tried to escape to Switzerland, but this failed. Dagobert Stibbe was caught on 2 June 1943 at the French-Swiss border. He came to the Aussenkommando Jawischowitz, that belonged to Auschwitz-Birkenau. There he had to work in a coal mine.
His last letter is dated 18 July 1943.
M. van Lunteren-Spanjaard; J. Wijnberg-Stroz, Blijvers en Voorbijgangers. Joden in Delft 1850-1960 (Kampen 1998)

This person is commemorated on a memorial in Amsterdam. More information on this memorial can be found (in Dutch) on the website of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei.