
About Celine Johanna Kuyper

Celine Johanna (Lien) Kuyper was a hairdresser. She was in hiding when Johannes Post, the head of a squad in the underground, made her his courier. She operated under the alias Thea. On 16 July 1943 she was caught with Johannes Post in Ughelen near Apeldoorn. Johannes Post escaped. Celine Johanna Kuyper was transferred to Westerbork via the prison in Apeldoorn. She turned down the offer from the resistance to liberate her from Westerbork. In a farewell letter she wrote: 'My life does not matter that much. I feel safe with God.'
NIOD, Erelijst Verzet en Koopvaardij, database made by J.W. de Leeuw;
B. Braber, Zelfs als wij zullen verliezen. Joden in verzet en illegaliteit in Nederland 1940-1945 (Amsterdam, 1990) 127-128