
Teacher Samuel Kops

On the 27th of December 1942, on the orders of the German Appointee Dr Leitersdorf, the orphanage ceased functioning as an independent institution and was subsumed within the network of welfare institutions placed under the supervision of the German occupation authorities.

On the 5th of March 1943 the orphanage was surrounded by officers of the Amsterdam Police. The children and staff were gathered in the main playground of the orphanage. There was no way to escape. The rumour that the orphanage was surrounded and that its members were about to be deported spread throughout Amsterdam. Relatives hurried to see their children for the last time and to part from them. The police surrounded the area and when the families tried to enter the site fire-fighters became involved and the crowds were dispersed with water cannon. The SS informed the orphanage management that the deportation order concerned only the boys who were under the care of the orphanage. The manageress of the orphanage, Mrs. Hamburger, her assistant Mrs. Bing and Samuel Kops could leave and save themselves but of their own free will and in a show of dedication to their charges the three decided to attach themselves to the orphans. They found the courage and the spiritual strength to tell the Germans that they were not interested in the freedom that they had been offered and that they did not intend to abandon the 100 children of the orphanage in their hour of need. Not one of those deported that day, the children or the three staff members, survived.

Source: Yad Vashem

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