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Herdenk Charlotte de Vries-van Praag

Charlotte de Vries-van Praag

Amsterdam, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 32 years


About Charlotte de Vries-van Praag

Charlotte van Praag was a daughter of Josef van Praag and Mietje Blokjesman. Drie andere kinderen uit het ouderlijk gezin hebben de oorlog overleefd.
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The Police Commissioner of Haarlem requested that Charlotte de Vries-van Praag, living in Haarlem be located, detained and brought to trial. She had changed her place of residence without the required authorizat…

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Siegfried Leonard de Vries and his family

Siegfried Leonard de Vries and Charlotte (Lottie) van Praag were betrayed when they went into hiding in Haarlem. The same happened later to their son Joseph (Jopie).
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In addition, a Jokos file (number 8742) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.

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Address & residents

Address in August 1942

Emmalaan 30, Haarlem

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Other family members

No other family known (yet)