
About Jonas Italiaander, his wife Betsij Canes and their son Abraham Joseph

Jonas Italiaander was a son of Abraham Italiaander and Grietje Rood, and was born on 20 October 1898 in Amsterdam. He married Betsij Canes on 28 May 1925 in Amsterdam, a daughter of Joseph Canes and Klaartje Viskoper, who was born on 9 August 1903. The Italiaander-Canes couple had two children, namely Abraham, who was born on 11 August 1932, however he died already on 5 May 1933, just 8 months old. On 31 December 1933 again a son was born, named Abraham Joseph.

Jonas Italiaander was a warehouse clerk, but was later employed as shop assistant in a greengocer’s shop. With his family he lived in the Nieuwe Kerkstraat 106 1st floor in Amsterdam and from there, during the round-ups the Germans held in the 2nd half of May 1943, Jonas, his wife Betsij and his little son Abraham Joseph were arrested on 20 May 1943 and carried off to Westerbork. There they ended up in barrack 55 and already on 25 May put on transport to Sobibor. Upon arrival there on 28 May 1943, they were immediately murdered in the gas chambers.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Jonas Italiaander and Betsij Canes; family registration cards of Abraham Italiaander and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Jonas Italiaander, Betsij Italiaander-Canes and Abraham Joseph Italiaander.

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