
About Louis Jacobs, his wife Eva Swart and their son Robert Jacobs.

Eva Swart, born 1912 in Amsterdm, was the youngest and 4th child of Abraham Swart and Sophia Swaab. 2 November 1933 she married in Amsterdam Louis Jacobs, a son of Jonas Jacobs and Bloeme Swart. The couple had one son, Robert, born 15 April 1936. They were all killed in the Shoah.

Louis had five other brothers, namely Wolf, Nathan, Jacob, Izak and Meijer. Only Jacob survived the Holocaust. His father Jonas Jacobs and his brothers were killed in the Shoah; his mother Bloeme Swart passed away in Amsterdam during the war. Eva Swart had one sister and two brothers, namely Sara, Jeremias and Jacques. Her parents, sister and brothers were killed in the Shoah.

After their wedding, Eva Swart, who had no profession and her husband, who was employed as man-servant in the expedition of a newspaper, lived at Ruyschstraat 19 in Amsterdam. 29 September 1936 they moved with their new born son Robert to Amstelkade 17 and 29 March 1938 to Van Woustraat 238 3rd floor.

On 19 July 1942, Eva, her husband Louis and their son Robert were deported from Amsterdam to Westerbork. After a stay there of five days, they were put on transport to Auschwitz on 24 July. On arrival there, Eva Jacobs-Swart and her son Robert were immediately killed on 26 July 1942. Louis Jacobs was presumably selected to do forced labor there; eventually he lost his life in September 1942. His official date of death has been established as 30 September 1942 in Auschwitz.

City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Louis Jacobs, archive cards of Eva Swart and Jonas Jacobs and the family registration card of Abraham Swart; list of Jew-transports from the Netherlands and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Louis Jacobs, Eva Jacobs-Swart and Robert Jacobs.

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