
About Marianna Wurms, her husband Gompert van der Woude and their four children.

Marianna Wurms was a daughter of Barend Wurms and Schoontje van den Berg. She married 30 November 1928 in Borgerhout (Antwerp) Gompert van der Woude, tailor by trade and son of Marcus van der Woude and Esther Bolle. The couple had four children, namely Marcus, Barend, Esther and Leendert.

Marianna Wurms left Amsterdam for Antwerp with her family in October 1923. But after her marriage to Gompert van der Woude, both returned to Amsterdam in September 1930. The family then lived at various addresses in the city until they ended up 29 September 1939 at Nieuwe Kerkstraat 5 1st floor and two years later they moved in at the 3rd floor.

Her husband Gompert van der Woude stayed at forced laborer since 29 September 1942 in the Jewish work camp “De Zomp” in Ruurlo. That time, his wife Marianna was exempted from deportation. (“gesperrt”). But on 2 October 1942 the camp was surrounded by the German occupiers, after which almost all forced labourers were sent to Westerbork. 1 December however Gompert van der Woude was released from Camp Westerbork, but then in the night of 16/17 February 1943 with his family to be deported to concentration camp Vught. They stayed there till they were put on transport 6 June 1943 with their four children with the so-called “children transport from Vught via Westerbork to Sobibor. After a stop at Westerbork, the transport went on the 8th of June and arrived 11 June 1943 in Sobibor, where the complete family was killed immediately upon arrival there.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Marianna Wurms and Gompert van der Woude; the Dossier of Foreigners of Borgerhout (Antwerp), nr. 968#15408, via Zoekakten and the Felix archive; about the Jewish work camp “De Zomp” at Ruurlo and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Marianna Wurms and Gompert van der Woude.

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