
About Debora Jansje Knap

Debora Jansje Knap, daughter of Benjamin Knap and Clara Rachel Elze, unmarried, lived with her parents and brother in Den Haag, Kiggelaerstraat 6.  On 13 Februari 1943 she and her brother Eduard Marcus have been sent from Rotterdam to transit camp Westerbork as "prisioners" in a penal-transport. On 2 March 1943 Debora Jansje has been deported to Sobibor as "Häftlinge" (prisoner) and upon arrival there on 5 March 1943 immediately killed. Her brother Eduard was sent already on 16 February 1943 to Auschwitz, where he has been killed.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Benjamin Knap; File Cabinet of the Jewish Council of Amsterdam, record of Debora Knapand Eduard Knap and the Municpal Archive of Den Haag, certificate of death C223 dated 15 December 1949 of Debora Jansje Knap.