
About Clara Rachel Elze

Clara Rachel Elze, daughter of Eduard Abraham Elze and Jansje Neter, married 9 July 1914 in Rotterdam Benjamin Knap, a son of Marcus Knap and Debora van Emrik. Clara and Benjamin had two children, namely Eduard Marcus and Debora Jansje, who both have been killed in the Shoah too.

The family has moved in or after 1939 from Rotterdam to Den Haag, where they have lived at Kiggelaerstraat 6 in the district of Benoordenhout.

Clara Knap-Elze was registered in transit camp Westerbork on 12 April 1943, where she stayed in the baracks 81 and 84. From notes on her record at the Jewish Council of Amsterdam it has appeared  that there has been contact trough the Red Cross with the Jewish Agency in Palestine regarding a Palestine certificate and/or emigration. This contact, however, has not resulted in postponement or cancellation of deportation because on 4 May 1943 she has been deported to Sobibor, where was killed immediately upon arrival there

City Archve of Rotterdam, family registration card of Benjamin Knap; website; the File Cabinet of the Jewish Council of Amsterdam, record of Clara Knap-Elze and the Municipal Archive of Den Haag, certificate of death C552 dated 24 February 1950 of Clara Rachel Knap Elze .