
About Benjamin Knap

Benjamin Knap, commercial traveller and representative, was a son of Marcus Knap and Debora van Emrik. He was born as the 13th child into a family with fourteen children, of whom one daughter has died in childhood, only 5 months old; five children have died already before the war; two daughthers have survived the Holocaust and six children, among them Rebecca, Elizabeth, Meijer Filip, Simon, Sara and Benjamin self have been killed in the Shoah.

Benjamin Kanp married in Rotterdam to Clara Rachel Elze on 9 July 1914, a daughter of Eduard Abraham Elze and Jansje Neter. The couple had two children, namely Eduard Marcus and Debora Jansje. Both children have been killed in the Shoah too.

De Benjamin Knap family has resided in Rotterdam at Hofdijk 62 a but has been moved presumably in or after 1939 to Den Haag, at the address Kiggelaerstraat 6 in the district Benoordenhout.

Of Benjamin Knap no record is findable in the Archive of the Jewish Council of Amsterdam. Known is that he has been deported at some point to Auschwitz, where he has been killed on 19 February 1943.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration cards of Marcus Knap and Benjamin Knap; website; Municipal Archive of Den Haag, certificate of death C605 dated 26 March 1952 of Benjamin Knap.