
About Petronella van Rooijen

Petronella van Rooijen, a daughter of Salomon van Rooijen and Bransje Mossel, married 17 May 1916 in Rotterdam Meijer Filip Knap, a son of Marcus Knap and Debora van Emrik. The couple had two sons, namely Marcus Salomon and Salomon Marcus. Both sons, who got still married in the summer of 1942, have been killed, together with their newly wed wives, on 30 September 1942 in Auschwitz.

Petronella van Rooijen and her husband Meijer Filip Knap have been registered in transit camp Westerbork on 27 February 1943 where they stayed in barack 69. They were deported to Sobibor on 2 March 1943 and they have been killed immediately upon arrival there on 5 March 1943.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Marcus Knap and Meijer Filip Knap; website and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council of Amsterdam, records of Petronella van Rooijen and Meijer Filip Knap.