
About Sara Nieweg-Lezer

The mayor of Assen requested that 'the Jewess Sara Lezer, born in Assen on 29 July 1921, Dutch, married on 18 August 1942 to Daniël Nieweg, without any occupation and residing at 23 Rolderstraat in Assen,' be located, detained and brought to trial. 'She has been missing since 26 August; she has her identification card but not her ration coupons in her possession. She is probably accompanied by Nieweg, who was granted a few days leave (he was staying at Camp Westerbork) to get married and was due back at the camp on 25 August. He did not return. Nieweg's address was: 98 Heerestraat, Groningen.'
Algemeen Politieblad, nr 35, 3 September 1942, 1002, notice 1780