
About Aron Lopes Cardozo

At the beginning of 1941 Aron Lopes Cardozo lived with his parents, Daniël Lopes Cardozo and Esther Lopes Cardozo-Lopes Cardozo. After he got married to Koosje de la Fuente he resided at several addresses.
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Aron Lopes Cardozo, a diamond worker, was a son of diamond worker Daniël Lopes Cardozo and of Esther Lopes Cardozo. Koosje de la Fuente was a daughter of Benjamin de la Fuente and of Anna Morpurgo, both deceased.
Aron and Koosje were married at Westerbork transit camp on 17 September 1943. Esther Lopes Cardozo, the mother of the bridegroom, attended the wedding; she signed the marriage certificate. Samuel Lopes Cardozo, an uncle of the bridegroom, and Sara Frank-Lopes Cardozo, an aunt of the bride, served as witnesses. They also signed the marriage certificate.
Record of marriage certificates of the Westerbork municipality, currently at the archives of Gemeente Midden-Drenthe in Beilen