
About Abraham Monnikendam

Abraham Monnikendam was a son of Salomon Monnikendam and Sara Kaseres. He married in Amsterdam on 12 April 1916 to Rosalina Credo, daughter of Abraham Credo and Antje van Brakel. The couple had four children: Sara, Antje, Salomon and Jacobina. Sara, as well her sister Jacobina and their mother have survived the Holocaust.
City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Salomon Monnikendam and Abraham Monnikendam.

Abraham Monnikendam had four children. Two children resided at another address. The children Antje and Salomon perished in the war. The wife of Abraham Monnikendam and two of their children survived the war.
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For a biographical note on Abraham Monnikendam see: H.E. Dominicus, Mauthausen. Een gedenkboek (2e herziene en uitgebreide druk; Amsterdam 1999) 110.