
Alexander Coppens and his family

Alexander Coppens was the son of Isaac Coppens and Schoontje Swaab. He was married to Sophie Berkelij, the daughter of Philippus Berkelij and Bernardina Meijers. Alexander Coppens was a chemist.
K. Ribbens, Zullen we nog terugkeren… . De jodenvervolging in Amersfoort tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog (Amersfoort 2002) 158-161

Alexander Coppens was a chemist working at Polak's Fruital works in Amersfoort. He went into hiding around 1942, but he and his wife were betrayed by a cleaning lady working for the family that kept them. They were transported to camp Westerbork and then deportated to Auschwitz where they died from disease. Two children survived the war.
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In addition, a Jokos file (number 32711) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.